Has anyone else selling their car notice that they're only getting scammers
2 Answers
Most of the sellers by far, and well, not sure how to put a number on them, 'buyers' on this site are legitimate. This site has been in operation since 2006 and has gained steadily on the competition, which is fierce. But no matter where you go, there are always going to be scammers in this day and age. Compared to, say, Craiglist, this site is the Pope and Craigslist is the devil. Sorry, I guess I could have come up with a better analogy but it fits. For the record, I have absolutely NO stake in CarGurus, none, just a long-time user. No more.
I once posted my car, the 1990 Lincoln I had, on Craigslist for sale. I had 11.. eleven... replies: "I want the car. I need a car now and love the Town Car. Just give me your bank account number, and routing number so I can deposit the money today and will have somebody pick up the car tomorrow" Yeah, right. geez, I really wonder how often they get away with it. Off-topic, my dad, who is 94, as still uses computer, got one of those calls from "This call is from Windows. Your computer has been putting out error signals. We need you to give up the following information, so we can go in your computer and fix it. Or more like "Ve ned do git unto your comp-u tor to figs da izzuzs. Fortunately Dad had the wherewithall to call me, while he was still on the line, from his cell. I felt like messing with him so I led him on a while until I got sick of it. Told him he was a scam and don't call this number again. His response: "What was the feeling like when you F-$#$&^$ your modder?" He had been called a 'm-f' so many times but still didn't 'get' the idiom.