what's a 1981 delorean worth with 32000 miles in fair cond.?
3 Answers
Well if you're reffering to mine it's on carsales now for $49k NEG. Call me if you're interested ;). http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?Cr=2&R=11182243&keywords=&trecs=3&__sid=13177B736AE4&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Qpb=1&tsrc=allcarhome&__Nne=15&seot=1&__N=1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 4294690803&silo=1011
2 people found this helpful.
Guru9YKSQQ answered 3 years ago
A lot of trouble and you have a hard time getting parts. Several different engines. Worth about 10 to 12,000 as antique car.