Okay so my wife and I own a 1994 Ford Explorer
XLT 4.0 liter engine type T transmission now when
I bought the car approximately I'd say a year ago I
bought it from a private seller transmission didn't
have problems until roughly three months after we
bought it the overdrive what would happen is it
would start kicking in reverse and it be a hard kick
then have to take it down to overdrive and there'd
be some days that I kicked over and some days
you had to read on the gas to get to kick then we
go from Dr to 2 till 1 and there were times it would
only take over and one and then you had to go
back up to drive to get it to finish engaging my
thing is when I bought the car nah can't find the
paper that proves it But the tray was replaced and
know like I said it is not shifting and the only way
to get it to shift is to put it into 2 Rev the engine for
about 5 to 10 minutes and then when it does kick
over it works just fine