how does one read the dtc codes?
1 Answer
lincolnscott49 answered 5 years ago
All DTC codes prior to 1996 are OBD1 You would need a scanner that does both OBD1 and OBD11 The ford scanner connection is under the hood . I have one that does both after 1996 they became OBD11 universal to all vehicles Prior to 1996 each make of vehicle had a different connection. If you cant buy one at a parts store for ford OBD1 or one like mine that does both you might want to search e bay This is the one you need or the next link if you have an OBD11 scanner{creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583795260709503&psc=1