1 Answer
To answer your question will a 2004 interchange with a 1987 first of all I want you to sit down and think about this hear you got a 1987 totally different truck and respect totally different Beast then you have your 2004 much newer I think this answer could be answered on your on but if I had to just tell you straight out bluntly I would tell you hell no come on dude think about it back then those two Transmissions were not electronically controlled as they are today they're more controlled by vacuum and and RPMs not like today where your RPMs have something to do with changing of the transmission but it's censored not like that of 87 it doesn't take a guru to figure this out you know things change within 17 years of each other oh you might get lucky and the bellhousing May I'm not going to say it will but I will say May buckle up but then there's other problems you are going to counter but personally I don't think the bellhousing will buckle up I think it's a whole different bolt pattern so if you want to venture into something like that go for it but if I was you I would pull up motor out so I wouldn't be underneath the truck all the time crawling underneath the truck and back out all the time it's just a waste of time to see if what you're trying to do will work it will be best done with the motor out it's just a few simple basic steps after you get the transmission out anyway to unbuckle the motor but once again I don't think it's going work 17 years is to many years in between too much technology