Could I get some hints on an obscure problem on a 2004 turbo PT cruiser?
It has seen a mechanic all of last week and before that and the only problem he's found so far was a
loose connection on #3 cylinder cam sensor. The error codes the computer shows are for the fore and
aft O2 sensors. I drove the car to work one day with no problems. I left just before it got really hot
outside so ~8:30. I left the car in the sun because I couldn't find my parking pass. The ambient
temperature got to about ~105 degrees. I started the car up at about 5:00 only to have the check
engine light come on. After attempting to drive it further (note: I had to drive over a couple massive
speed bumps) I had the car quite out on me while idling at a turn. At first the engine would not turn
over but after about thirty minutes of waiting the car turns over fine. I had it towed back to my house
and haven't driven it since. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!