Tracking device
1 Answer
It could save on your premiums. Check this out.. This system will not only protect your vehicle from theft, it will provide you with peace of mind for your family as well. The You Track It feature, can locate your vehicle through an online tracking system, or by cell phone, which will allow you to also view the speed and direction of travel. The browser friendly site offers detailed maps and many customizable options for your use. No matter where you are the You Track It offers 24.7 peace of mind. The You track It features Geo Fence that allows you to set your own vehicles perimeter guard. Should your vehicle be moved outside of your Geo Fence the Zypher will notify you. Inilex will allow you total control over your vehicle. For example, should you allow a family member to use your vehicle be it a son, daughter, or maybe nanny, you can set the speed and distance you will allow the vehicle to be driven. Should either of your settings be exceeded, you will be notified immediately by email or phone, which you also choose. You can then decide the course of action you might want to take. You could Disable the ignition from your computer or cell phone and once the vehicle comes to a stop the engine will activate the Ignition Disengage feature but not until the vehicle is stopped and placed in Park. You could simply wait for the person you loaned the vehicle to call you or you could call them and explain that they exceeded the limits that you established. You could then use the Engage Ignition feature and allow them to re-start the vehicle. Should you decide that you do not want your vehicle taken to a certain section of town or you do not want the vehicle to go to a certain location, you can simply create a Reverse Geo Fence around that section of town or specific location. Should your vehicle enter the restricted area, the You Track It will notify you by email or phone and again you can decide what action to take. This system is hands down the most high tech vehicle security system money can buy and you will sleep better at night knowing its there."