Electrical Problem new battery keeps needing jump start
Hi all, I have given plenty of help here & elsewhere but occassionally need
it myself especially with this vehicle. 2000 (this only let me put 2001 in the
year) Hyundai SantaFe, V6 AWD. Veh not here so guestimate on mileage
is around 180,000.
Daughters veh. Had been having a problem w her battery not being strong
enough to start car w/o a jump, so put load test on battery(18 month old),
battery was shot. Took it back got a new one w longer life span. Seemed fin
until today. Had to use jump start this am to get to work, left work started
fine on its own, Got home had to go back to wrk 3 hrs later, needed jump.
Got to work, when leaving needed jump again. Used jump, 1/2 way home
made a quick stop, left it running/locked. Came out, it had stopped running,
couldn't start on own, killed jumper trying. Got jump start from passing veh,
it started, got home. So far I know, its brand new battery(3 months), all
fuses and relays had checked out ok when battery changed. She does not
leave any accessories on when shutting off/starting car, so NO KNOWN
draw on battery when unattended. I can and do fix most anything, but
electrical trouble shooting was more of a sideline for me, so have forgotten
most of what I knew. I am leaning toward Alt/Voltage regulator, and suspect
starter solenoid as another possibility as maybe worn & needing more
voltge? Any easy way of checking or a quick check for ALT as opposed to
just pulling it out to be tested at parts store? Anyone who works on this yr
knows what a pain the alt removal and replacement is on this veh w/o a lift,
the starter is much easier! Old school all we did was disconnect the battery
& if it died we knew it was batt not alt problem.
I am thinking since she just told me that the factory radio system turns on
or off or switched from radio to CD by itself intermittently or sometimes
when hitting a bump, that that could possibly be the culpret draining the
batt.. Was thinking pull the radio fuses and try the car w/o it and see if the
problem stays or goes away. Mainly looking for instructions on what to
check and in what order, simplest to hardest first if possible.
If anyone with elec trouble shooting experience can give any tips or point
out other places to look or check for my problem it would be greatly
appreciated. Getting to old for this stuff & just got out of hosp so not looking
forward to hours on the floor under this thing. Thanks.