i have a 1994 jeep grand cherokee 2wd. 4.0 i just changed the thermostat and antifreeze and now my temperature guage only moves up only slightly. i am only getting warm not hot air from my heater. whats going on?


Asked by anthonywilson Feb 02, 2014 at 01:23 PM about the 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

8 Answers

...okay, either the thermostat is stuck open -or- the electric radiator fan comes on before the engine reaches operating temperature~

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was the heat workin' just fine before the coolant flush? the heater core is a virtual impossibility to have to change out on this vehicle~....so get it flushed properly with a hose and air-blast both directions to get it nice and clean~

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Feel the hoses going to the heater core. With engine at operating temp. Is one hot and the other cold or Luke warm? If so you have a stopped up heater core. Are both hot? If so You have a blend door issue. Are both cold or Luke warm? If so you have a cooling system issue. Possibly air locked since you changed out the parts. Hope this helps

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say Dewayne, how could this possibly make it NOT come up to operating temperature....a hyper-active water pump? nah, them things don't exist...perhaps an electric water pump...if such a thing existed....so radiator is TOO efficient? what could cause this....a stuck closed thermostat would make it good N hot in a hurry so it's not that...stuck open would expose the heater core...that's why I've suggested the coolant be shut off at the diverter...so it'd reach full temperature without the assistance of the heater core...pullin' the heat out of that~ air bound would make a NO flo condition....this is clearly not the case as anthonywilson not feel warm air....instead of HOT...~

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i dont have an answer but do have a question. really need help with this. i have a 2000 grand cherokee laredo limited 4.7 v8. i am only getting luke warm heat. i have changed the water pump, flushed heater core, put in two new thermostats. it had a new radiator put in it bout 4 months ago. someone suggested there is a blockage in my motor, could this be true? the coolant in radiator isnt heating up either and blend doors has been checked. is there a temp sensor on this model

I have 1994 jeep pioner 4.0 and it come back saying engine is not reaching perating reaching the full temperative within accintable limits What can its

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