02 Montero sport crank no start
Asked by Christopher Jan 04, 2024 at 09:09 PM about the 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport LS
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Changed the crank an cam sensors, it cranks but no start, can’t hear the fuel
pump come on with key but if I bypass the relay it comes on but no spark
4 Answers
Did you disconnect the battery? If so then the chances are high that the security system has been activated and has shut down ignition and fuel supply, the owners manual will have the model specific shut down procedure. Other problems could be blown fuses, damaged wiring, computer programming glitch.
Christopher answered about a year ago
Is there a way to bypass the immobilized to get ignition an fuel, I can bypass the fuel relay an get the fuel pump to come on but no spark,
No YOU can’t. Only a shop with a dealer quality scanner can do it. Did you not try the reset procedures in the owners manual?