Bad fuel pump

Asked by Randall Jul 14, 2017 at 01:44 PM about the 1999 Pontiac Grand Am 4 Dr SE1 Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

The fuel pump in my
99grand am started
making a loud
humming noise and
pump runs weghole
time when im
driving.  Well 3 days
later I goto store
start car it dies now
cranks tries to start
if it does start
misses and shakes.  
But the fuel pump is
quiet now not
coming on.  Please

6 Answers


Would replace fuel filter, check to see if your getting power to pump. If your getting power to pump then I would replace pump.

1 people found this helpful.

What causes the pump to make a loud and constant humming noise. You could hear the pump start when I turn the key on but now there is no sound what else can it be and a friend gave me a new fuelpump assembly that goes to a 2001 grand am gt v6 will it eleork on my 99 2.4 liter grand am? Thanks

Ive checked the pump relay ive sprayed starting fluid in it and it starts and runs until starting fluid is gone


You will have to cross reference the part numbers to make sure. There looks like a fuel strainer that might be degraded or clogged inside the tank. The pump sounds like it may have struggling to pull gas through that strainer and making a noise. Unfortunately if it's the in tank problem then you have to drain tank.

Well got the old pump out the stained is good but pump off of a 2001 grand am will not work. 01 gas one service wires to the oumo and o9 has 2 set if wires running to it

O99 has 2 sets of wires thaconnext go the pump and the01only has one set off wires that connects to the pump

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