Why wont my 01 grand prix start
3 Answers
#shoutoutdatboi answered 5 years ago
Sounds like a very decent answer thanks for that . I have the same or similar problem . i have a 2001 pontiac grandprix gtp supercharged and mines starts but shuts off in bout 20 sec. I have provide the link to the videos i recorded of it. I cant lie , i was a lil irresponsible and for the past month didnt keep the gas above the , or atleast above the half-full line. I had a problem with the gas hand reading (fluctuating between a 20qal reading range). I get in, it says 120 miles + stop go in store get back in, then it would say 60 -70; or something similar to that. When i cranked the car, i took advice from a neighbor and "primed" the car . I could hear air in the tank it sounded like when i crunk it. I got sum cheap ass $3 gas bout 20 mins before , to put in and made that noise in the video .