2004 pontaic grand prix pistons
Asked by frreyman59 Dec 18, 2018 at 11:12 PM about the 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP
Question type: General
i have a 2004 grand prix 3.8 gtp s/c need to change 1 piston. will a piston from a 2006 grand prix 3.8 gtp s/c work in the 2004
3 Answers
You can't install a used piston and get good results. To install a new piston means boring the cylinder.
frreyman59 answered 6 years ago
that doesn't answer my question are the pistons the same are they exchangeable
I would think so, but to be sure look up, or ask your parts store to look up the part number for the pistons for each engine. If the number is the same it will fit. If not then its likely not going to work.