What kind of freon do you use in a 06 pontiac grand prix gt supercharge
5 Answers
When I went on Amazon the prices are so different & the reviews have me confused. It says r-134a is not the true 134a. Then the product says 6oz is actually 12 oz......etc...so do I ignore and buy the cheapest one
I do not trust Amazon for 134, Use a parts store or believe or not Walmart. Some cans contain a dye or even a sealer, do not buy one with a sealer in it, dye is okay and will help finding any leaks.
R134a is R134a. The brand or size of the can doesn't matter. But I will say this, if you're not familiar with air conditioning systems you should have a pro handle this. You can be seriously injured by the refrigerant if it's not handled properly. Be careful! Jim