I have a 06 Chevy Impala went to start it up this morning and it started really rough entire engine shakes had no prior issue night before,no check engine light what is my problem
3 Answers
Either your injectors are not all working due to poor electrical or are plugged. Or your plugs are not all firing. After running for a while, does the engine settle down? It may be bad plugs, or water/oil leaking onto the plugs fowling them temperately out. Check the tail pipe for black soot or oily condition. (oil, which could be many things to cracked heads, rings, gasket or other issues, or if water vapor comes out, it just my be head gasket, or cracked heads. Check the engine oil and if milky, it is a head gasket or cracked head. If your losing water from the radiator, it may be going into the engine. If your not well versed in checking these things out, go to at least two or three good garages for a check out.
thank you for your advice it ended up being a bad ignition control module in a bad electronic control module they do recommend that I change my wires for the spark plugs because they are old thank you once again
The wires may need changing, but if money is an issue this close to Christmas season and taxes coming up, it isn't really necessary unless your cutting out. The wires are just that, wires that carry electricity. Clean the connections and you should be good for now. Electronics are great when they work, but unless you have that $100,000 machine, you can't find the real problems. Glad you found out the problem.