Knocking in engine, sell or fix?
I have a 93 Camry with 200,000 miles on it. Bought it from a mechanic's wife a little
over a year ago. Had problems with leaks in the break and power steering lines but
were fine until three months ago. The only issue I had was with the power steering
leaking constantly until yesterday when the car overheated. I turned the car off to find
that there was NO coolant whatsoever so there must have been a new leak since I last
checked. When the car cooled I tried turning it back on and there was a severe
knocking noise and white smoke coming from the regulator (i think thats what its
called). I am absolutely clueless about cars. I added fresh oil about a week ago and all
was good until now. Is this car worth fixing or should I sell it for whatever I can get?