Help 94 Camry problem with battery and or alternator?????
Help 94 Camry problem with battery
and or alternator????
Ok my Camry has been acting
strange the past few days. The
orange car symbol idiot light has
been coming on and off the past
few months. I assumed it was a
brake problem because it usually
came on when after starting the car
and then it comes on as soon as i
hit the brakes to put the car in gear.
Then the other day drove about 10
to 15 miles left car running ran in
store for 5 min then drove a mile
when radio cut out and in and didn't
think anything about it. Went in
another store 10 minutes started
my car which reluctantly
started......battery light comes on
and little annoying orange
carshaped light is on......barely
made it home everything was going home turned off the
car try to restart and wont start.
First it just clicks then it clicks and
trys to kick but wont. Jumped it
started... same deal tbough
everything haywire unless i turn off
ac and stereo and lights etc... i turn
all that sfuff off and battery light
goes off but not the little orange car
symbol. Next day had to jump
car....let it run idle in driveway a
halfhour drove around a half hour
with everything off the first half then
all ac stereo lights on still running
fine then boom i get home same
deal battery light lit up orange car lit
up, haywire again, still driving
turned off all the ac stereo lights etc
and battery light goes off car runs
fine get it in the driveway turn off
turn on wont start. Today jump it
drive ten miles to auto store drives
fine ac, on radio lights....get to store
leave car on while i get somebody
to test alternator and battery...he
checks it says its fine sayys both
are fine i explain what has been
happening he says he was a
mechanic and says sounds like the
diodes are shot need new
alternator. So i bought it but car ran
home with no problem. Later drove
around for about a half hour and
still no problem. Dont wanna
change it if i dont have to would
rather have my money back.... keep
in mind i live in nevada desert and
its very hot. Today was not nearly
ad hot as the previous few days
because of rain and overcast. Could
it be a fluke that it ran good today
or what the f??? Help