Key stuck in ignition 97 Camry


Asked by Joshua Feb 24, 2016 at 12:08 PM about the 1997 Toyota Camry LE

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My key is stuck in the ignition it won't come out. It'll turn
on and such forth but I can not turn it back passed the
acc. Position. Which will not let out my key so my car has
power continuously. Also FYI I know it has to do with the
shift not being able to tell its in park. But as far as what to
do and what to look for I am not sure.

18 Answers


I'm sure it has a sensor it's called neutral sensor if not mistaken it's located on the transmission

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On the bottom of the steering column there should b a little hole stick a ink pen in it and it will push a button that's on a coil

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This vehicle may have a computer controlling this system. "Toyota Shift Interlock System". You might consider referring to the OWNER'S MANUAL. It may describe a procedure for over riding the system so you can remove the key. might have a bad ignition key LOCK. You might try placing the tranny into park then disconnecting the vehicle battery. That should shut down the computer and MIGHT allow you to remove the key. If you now can remove the most likely have a electrical problem...rather than a mechanical problem.

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Yup that's the only way I can remove the key I've done it several times. Could there be something electrical in the shift? The reason I believe it's in the shift is because when I was upset from bad news I hit it in park harder than I should have and ever since that the key has been stuck.

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Also it can shift with out pressing the brake

2 people found this helpful.

Yes I do. I have tried pushing that. Before.

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If you have a cover...the cover must be removed and a switch under the cover must be pushed. appears you will most likely have to start removing the CONSOLE assembly in order to gain asses to the shift interlock system. Mechanical and electrical diagnosis follows. NOT a simple job for the typical DIY'er.

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That HARSH shift into park may have broken a plastic switch. Inspect very closely with a strong light when you remove that console. Good Luck

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Josh....did you ever resolve the issue with this vehicle?

4 people found this helpful.

I have 1996 Toyota Camry and key in ignition and I can't get out help

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I fixed mine. It happen to be a stuck spring or something inside the shifting stick. It had to do when pressing the button to shift it would not spring back up. I was able to shift with out pressing and holding the button. So what I did was remove the button spray wd 40 put it back in and pressed it few times and repeat. Something clicked and then problem was fixed.

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remove console cover under steering column and locate 2 wire connector right of column directly beneath ignition switch and disconnect it "blue wires" now remove key reinstall console cover

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my key is stuck wont go in lock position and car wont turn on I replace the key cylinder thought that was my problem well still having problem so do you have any other ideas I can try I was told maybe it not reading its not park but I cant find were the sensors are for parking it does crank over just wont start and wont release key can you please give me any ideas. thank you

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My neighbor is selling me a '99 Toyota Avalon that has been sitting outside, undriven for a few years. We replaced the battery and terminal connectors and started right up with no problems. Later, my neighbor came 2 my house saying the key was stuck in the ignition. I came upon this site and learned that disconnecting the battery was a possible resolution and after acting on your advice -- the key easily came out. Thank you...

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