toyota camry
I have a 1999 toyota camry 2.2. I was driving and it slowly started to die,
gave no indications. at first it would just crank and wouldnt start, but you
could also smell fuel while trying to crank it over. Went out and bought one of
those readers that you plug intot he car and it gives you codes, well the
camshaft position sensor came up replaced that and still nothing. went and
replaced the started and the 4 spark plugs and still nothing, so now im
starting to get frustrated because it still only cranks. after those getting
replaced we went ahead and replaced the serpentine belt, timing belt, the
drive belt, fuel filter, and the starter. the car still only cranks over. this is my
first car and i really need to get my car up and running especially with me
moving out of my parents place soon.