where is the power window relay fuse
9 Answers
Hate to say this ,and from your post it wont be a fuse or relay,if the other windows work,they all run off the same fuse and relay,therefore you have a bad window motor or the switch to that window only is bad,try to hit the door panel while mashing the up button at that window,some times it will un jam the motor.
If not you may need a new window motor for the driver window.
Same question for 2006 Camry
you don't answer the question "where is the fuse", so, where is the fuse?
The fuse is located in the right side of the fuse box which is by the left knee of the driver. You need to pull out the cover there (where you usually keep coins). It is a wider and square like fuse - 30 amp pinkish in color on the right side of that fuse box. I have the same issue and I don't believe in the previous answer. Only the driver side switches don't work for any windows, but the rest 3 do work on their own. I changed the pink 30 amp fuse, but it won't still work (it may work for you). I also changed the entire window and power lock switch on the driver side, but the new one does not work either. Experts tell me that there should be individual relays for each window and try to swap the relays that are working. I will post another answer if I figure that out, and you can reciprocate if you find the exact locations of the relays. If there is only one relay, it is possible, if I find and change that ,everything may work (just a faulty relay). I am not able to locate any of the relay with surety. Good luck to both of us!!! https://www.google.com/search? Check this link for fuse location: sxsrf=ALeKk03bgEFQMR1nCnplu7hoFLvgowrwDQ% 3A1592263875847&ei=wwToXrSWM5WLwbkPgqK5 kAc&q=2001+toyota+camry+power+window+fuse+l ocation&oq=2001+toyota+camry+power+window+f use+location&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1z ZXJwEAMyAggAMgUIABDNAjoECAAQRzoGCAAQB xAeUJhfWIBoYMRsaABwAngAgAFWiAG9ApIBATSY AQCgAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
Any update on the below? I have the same issue. The driver master switch doesn't work for any of the windows, but the individual switches work on the passenger doors. All my fuses are good. I replaced the driver master switch assy, but it still doesn't work.
Try resetting your switches by holding down the driver or auto switch down for 4 seconds then up for 4 seconds if it sill no operating repeat several time to reset the switch.
GuruD4834D answered about a year ago
All 4 windows stop at the same time fuses are good can't find the relay can anyone help. It's a 2000 toyota camry
GuruDYBYPL answered 6 months ago
I have the same issue. Master switch doesn't work for any of the windows. The door lock switch does work. But I can go to each door separately and the windows and switches work fine. Replaced the master switch but no fix. Fuses all seem good. I keep hearing about relays possibly so I may start digging into that.