I really need help please
I have a 2000 Toyota Camry Le 4cy I don't
have any lights on on my car now what
happens is I thought it was my brakes so I
got new ones I thought it was my router so I
change them and got new ones I thought it
was my caliber so I changed it and got a
new one my car tires were hot and it would
stop by itself while I was driving so it felt like
it was the emergency brake on while I was
pushing the gas so I changed everything and
I thought it was going to start working but
it's still not I don't know what to do I really
need help I thought it was my ball joints but I
took that apart and it was still good it's still
moved like it was supposed to but my tire
bolts melt it because it was so hot what do
you think the problem is someone told me it
might be my transmission but my
transmission is not jumping it's like the
emergency brake is on well I'm pushing the