1990 Corolla - why does it keep blowing oil seal out?
11 Answers
Front main engine? Probably worn out main crank bearing. Just a tiny wobble on that bearing will blow seal
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1.6L- 4A FE Trying to find solution.....
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Whoops. My mistake. The main is back further that I thought. So Best guess is opening for seal in timing cover may not be perfectly round, may need a timing cover. Click for full screen
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Thank you. I was leaning toward oil pump. Never ran into this problem before.
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Tell me why you say oil pump. I am not a know-it-all. Might learn something
Groove in the damper that the seal runs on or excessive crankcase pressure can cause the front seal to fail.
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My Man. Bob. Makes perfect sense. Stuck PCV and blow-by from a 1990 with worn rings = pressure in crankcase
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Seal could be installed backwards also.
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