Cooling fans not staying on. Please help
I have a 2003 impala 3.8l with 200k miles. My fuel
pump had went out and i replaced it. My voolinh
fans were not turning on so i checked with wire at
the fuse box and found out they worked so i
installed new fuses but they only stay on for about
20 seconds and they turn off. My car has a lot of
rust on the underbody which caused the bracket
that holds up the radiator to break apart. Nothing
was damaged from the fall but since my fans dont
stay on. I have the corroded piece of bracket
holding up my radiator at the moment. I have no
idea what to do about the fans. Its causing my car
to overheat. I can't afford much now(hence the
ghetto rigged radiator support), and this is
supposed to be my daily driver. If someone can
please help me I'd truly appreciate it a lot.