Went to jump battery then went haywire, won't start.
I took keys out wrong and by next day
car wouldn't start. I have a Stanley
jumper so I tried that but it wasn't
charged so it almost started but
needed more juice. Took jumper inside
and it started to snow. I charged up
jumper and went to jump truck. Then
different noises in car on dash. And
yes mine does have the engine light
after awhile started coming up. What
does that mean? Please don't tell me I
blew the ACU? I think what I did was
the clasps on the jumper have no
rubber on them and I was taking them
on and off the terminals trying to get a
good latch on them. I noticed my
positive clasp that was on the terminal
was or had been touching the metal on
the truck and wet because of the
snow. I grounded the positive and blew
a circut but can't find any blown fuses.
After the first try it should've started
but went all haywire. But like a fool I
kept trying and trying. The door
dinging wouldn't stop forever. I took
keys out and I could hear something in
the upper front of engine making a
weird sound for a little bit then
stopped. I don't know what to do. I had
very important stuff to do yesterday
and if I don't get it done my house will
fall in. Engine light came on after I
kept trying. But makes weird sounds
inside truck, dash weird says I'm in
neutral, ya know cuz of computer. I
pray I didn't cause major dammage.
Please help.