2003 F150 Power Window Switchs acting strange
F150 4 door, From the drivers switches, all windows work fine. Windows do
not work from the other three door switches. Heres the strange things: I
lock / unlock the windows the lights on the three swiches do go on and off.
My dog stepped on the switches and all of a sudden they all started to work
for a couple days. Then my daughter tried rolling down as I was rolling up
now none work again. Few other details if rolling down from drivers door
and the kids press up it stops rolling down till they let go, so switches are
half working ? Also I purchased a new switch off ebay installed it in one of
the back doors and it worked for about 8 seconds and very slowly rolled the
window about halfway down and then nothing. Drivers door switchs still all
work fine. Thanks for any thoughts. Jay