car won't start. no power at all

Asked by maryinmichigan53 Sep 16, 2014 at 04:44 PM about the 2003 Toyota Camry LE

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

my wife was coming home and said the car was losing power. The car died completely
then and she had it pushed home. The next morning the car started and then she turned it
off. The next morning the car had absolutely no power at all. Cannot even put the car in
neutral. There is zero power, not even enough for the door locks. Can you lead me in the
right direction as to what to check and in what order. poblem started suddenly

6 Answers


Take out battery and put on a charger over night. If you check battery in the morning and the needle on charger isn't at 100%, it's time for a new battery. If car starts after charging or if you put in a new battery, test your alternator and make sure it's putting out something close to 14 volts. If not, your alternator may be bad or the voltage regulator may need replacing.

11 people found this helpful.

had same problem it was the wire from battery not the one that goes to starter it runs to box under hood with breakers and fuses in it .Its in some insulation push it back some and u will see it used universal terminal from oriellys was able to use wire connector that came with terminal just crimped it on and walahh it worked

22 people found this helpful.

What if i had gotten a new battery an alternator? Still no power but has started once?? An wont anymore?? Vary confused here..

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my car is brand new Toyota Camry, tan about 100Km from Dealer to home and stay in Garage 6 for 6 months, today i started the car to go but no power show at all parts, just like car no battery, i got the power cost from another car for 10 Minutes and tarted again, but is same (no power showing).

15 people found this helpful.

Nothing, no horn no interior lights, no dashboard lights, no start. Cleaned battery connections and still nothing

40 people found this helpful.

Hello everyone, I need some help here. My daughter was drive her 2010 Toyota Camry,go to the school in the morning find,but afternoon she start her car is won't start sounds like low battery, I go buy new battery after I put new battery start right up but runs power, please can anyone help me with my daughter, sam 919 798 9523. Thanks

5 people found this helpful.

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