Why does why car do this??
Wellll... its a 1995 Mercedes Benz C220. I got
it from a used car dealer. At first everything
seemed fine but then I had to get the guy to
fix the camshaft sensor then the motor
mount after that. When they fixed the motor
mount when I came to pick it up the check
engine light was on as soon as I drove off
with it but I had to go to work my brother told
me to ignore it and thought they just didn’t
turn it off. So my brother turned it off and that
was I dunno a week or two ago I guess? And
it hasn’t been on since but I’ve noticed when
I back up too hard turning the wheel left or
right the engine sometimes but not every
time will cut off but my lights and radio and
everything are still on and my gears will let
me shift but not work but if I start the car
again it works fine