Car made a thud and wont move now. Speedometer moves when in gear but car stays put. Wha does that mean for my car?

Asked by joker3237 Feb 25, 2015 at 04:05 PM about the 1986 Honda Accord LX

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

5 Answers


have you checked CV joints and do the front tires turn freely in nuetral

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Sounds like you broke a CV joint as indicated in the previous answer. If the CV joint breaks the final drive still turns but not the axle or wheel so the trans sees a signal from the speed sensor as though the car is moving.

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I took the car to a shop as they had just worked on it. They turned the wheels, heard a thud and then it worked. But tonight it did the same thud then no moving. They said something internal in the tranny broke. Could that be that be the problem.


if the axle is spinning the car would move unless the outer CV joint has come apart but the still looks like it is 1 piece. The other possibility is that the axle has popped out of the spline in the trans do to a bad snap ring perhaps and when they turned the wheels the spline re-engaged with the final drive gear and worked temporarily until in popped out again. To be honest, this should be rather easy for any technician to see and diagnose.

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