I have a 1988 honda accord carburated and everytime i start it up it smells like gas and i always end up smelling like but odor is very strong does anyone knows what can i do
10 Answers
aree there any gas leaks from the carb while the engine is running
Everytime i start it up you could smell strong odor of gas coming out through muffler
it is normal to smell like gas but it should not linger very long
I just don't want to smell gas all day because it makes me sick but thank you
is there a check engine light on it sounds like you have a bad catalytic converter
When i bought it it didn't have a check engine light on but then i noticed it was not working
you need to have you exaust system inspected cause gas contains benzene which is a addictive drug that is not good for you
Take the car to an auto parts store like advance or autozone etc. They will use a computer code reader to check for any stored codes. Start there and list all/any that show then for the repairs, you start with the first code and see if the problem persists. I suspect you have a problem someplace in the purge system for the pollution controls. It is probably a bad check or purge valve.