what is wrong?
Asked by benjamin1991 Dec 20, 2013 at 10:47 PM about the 1999 Chevrolet Lumina LS Sedan FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
my sister has a 99 lumina with the 3.1 engine. when you first start the car you have to keep your foot on the gas and double foot it to drive it. but once its warmed up it runs fine. just replaced the alternator and battery cause they ended up goin out, don't know if that has anything to do with it.
7 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17618451766899987047? q=1999+Chevrolet+Lumina+Air+charge+sensor&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&b iw=1440&bih=784&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.EeLgqkzqnSg.O&tch=1&ech=1& psi=wQ- 1UtSRI4TWyQGMqoHwAw.1387630333226.3&ei=bBC1UvehIemdyQHQt 4G4Bg&ved=0CIgBEKYrMAI
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
hoity---eight bucks online.....aren't you glad the judge is helpin' you today?~
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
yes the AIT sensor...don't tell me you replaced it already?
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
or "air charge" either works on a microscopic level....most annoying~
benjamin1991 answered 10 years ago
no I haven't, but why would it make that big of a difference
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
what this thing does is check the density of the air comin' in...when the engine warms up, it makes the mix lean...when it's cold outside it chokes it down...I don't remember if you can remember back in the old days there was a heat riser...B9 control robot arm up to the snorkel where there was a diverter that would take raw outside air in or from the heat-riser...then would pass it onto a spring "butterfly valve" and a two position idle that'd kick down to normal idle at operating temp....don't you remember those things?...well this little goodie thanks to our new technology (of 15 years ago) lays to waste all this extra hardware....am I makin; sense now?~