04 VW Jetta issues!! Please HELP!!!


Asked by 04jettabluesin2020 Jul 21, 2020 at 03:02 PM about the 2004 Volkswagen Jetta GL Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Ok drove home last night looked at my gauges to
see they have stopped working. (This happend one
time before months ago once I shut car off over
night they started working when got back in car the
next day) So as usual I let car sit over night. And
went to get in it a moment ago and well.. now the
car will crank for like 2 seconds and the stall out.
Gauges still not working. But now headlight not
working.. driver side door started acting up. Won't
roll windows up or down. Won't lock or unlock with
key fob or the buttons in car. Gas latch won't open
trunk won't open with button on driver door. But
key fob opens the trunk. I can push panic on key
fobs. And trunk buttin on key fobs. U push lock or
unlock just the flashers flash. I've tried negative
battery cable and positive cable held together to
clear computer. Battery unplugged for 10mins to
try and reset. Can anyone help me out please??

1 Answer


Ok after changing the guse box on top of my battery, (also changes spark plugs and wires at this time and did an oil change, and topped off fluids and checked fluids) changed my battery completely thinking maybe a cell drying up. Have check every fuse on main fuse box, bought a dianostics code reader. (Got ccm = convenience control module. Called places like our local auto zone and what not they all tried telling me ccm is same as ecm= electronic control module. This is the main brain basically and pretty expensive. So i kept looking lol.) Husband hooked my stereo up a month after getting the car. There was a wire he wasnt 100% sure about but come to find out this wire was my problem. It was a brown wire. That when he contect wire to his testers it was registering 4.9 volts. That being connect to stereo. And then u using a window switch or lock switch (we are assuming all this. We are not machanics or licensed at anything lol) that it may have cause the fuse which we also had a very hard time find blow. Its a 20 amp fuse that is under ur steering column. That all the plastic and metal plates off. Look to ur left a bit and there is the other fuse panel. It has a 175 relay fuse u will see and 3 fuse slots (with fuses obviously) and it was the 20 amp fuse blown. Now my car locks properly (before i would kit lock on key fob it would do a half a$$ honk but doors could still be open and mo alarm would go off. But pop ur hood and alarm would sound lol) hit lock inside of car door and still doors wouldnt lock acted like they wanted too but wouldnt. Windows wouldnt roll down. The switches for gas tank and drunk wouldnt work. The interior door light wouldnt work. And it had even caused my car not want to crank. It would do the whole turn over crank for a maybe 3 sec and cut off. But now EVERYTHING works just as it should. Hope this may help someone.

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