I need help to figure out what's up with my 2005 Jetta GL that won't start. Engine turns over and cam position sensor that showed on code readout has been replaced but car will not fire. Fuel pump sounds like it is working when key is turned part way on.

Asked by Guru59PKC Dec 19, 2017 at 08:07 PM about the 2005 Volkswagen Jetta GL

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

05 Jetta that won't start. Need help or suggestions on what the deal is to get my wheels back on the road. Love my dependable older car that still has lots of life left in it. Suggestions???

5 Answers


Was Anything else done on the car ,,, did it run ok then one day fail to start? Does the position sensor still trigger a code?

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Nothing else done to the car, backed it out of the garage and shut it off for a minute and when I tried to restart no go. No codes triggering now that new position sensor has been installed.


was the codes cleared with a odb2 scanner or a garage's computer. some times when these codes pop up and aren't properly cleared the car will still think its an issue. Check the pump tho by opening your back seat and with your radio off turn the car to power on (not turn over) you will hear a humming noise that starts then stops shortly after. It should be steady and clear sounding if its eratic and or not there then theer is either a clog or a bad pump. Anouther way is to try starting it and then remove a spark plug and smell the spark plug hole and look for signs of wet gas on the plug itself. this will tell you there is gas getting there. next you want to check spark pull the plugs put them near a metal surface and crank the car (do this with 2 people and have all plugs out Ussaly best done in a darker setting easier to spot the spark)) if they all spark spark is not an issue. Replace the plugs if they look worn out or are past the last 60000km when they were last serviced. see if that helps determine the issue also try disconnecting both terminals and touching them together before leaving the car for 15 minutes or so this will discharge the system and clear any issues the computer may have been having. ((have the code for the stereo ready if you need it))

So if we do the disconnecting terminals thing that will clear the computer if the code isn't showing but is still stuck in there? My son has checked all the fuses to make sure they are all good. Thanks for any and all suggestions that you might have cause I really miss my car and hate to keep borrowing my mom's to get to work. Merry Christmas.


this some times clears the codes but most of the time the car will retain the codes regardless until they are cleared. sorta like my 2013 audi it retained an airbag fault code after i disconnected the air bag even after a hard restart with the battery trick i told you about. try a few of the other things i mentioned and come back with what you find out from doing that. try finding a audi/vw specialist shop to do a quick scan on your car to make sure there is no left over codes hindering it.

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