i have no power to my windows , no dome light ,no power locks and no power mirrors they worked


Asked by passet Jun 19, 2008 at 03:40 PM about the 2000 Volkswagen Passat GLS V6

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

13 Answers


Check the fuses, if not its possible your convenience unit has failed.

16 people found this helpful.

Could also be a short in the wiring in the door frame that powers those things. This will take some diagnosis to determine for sure.

11 people found this helpful.

i had ther same problem... there is a central lock computer under the drivers carpet and it has a bunch of wires going into it... vw splices a bunch of wires before it goes into computer look at the connections if there greenish then there corroading... give the connections a little tug(not to hard) make sure they are all connected... thats what my problem was.. i origanally took my car to VW and they charged me $450 and didn't fix shit, they couldn't even tell me what or where to look for the problem... anyways love my VW's hope you get your problems fixed...

14 people found this helpful.

I agree with the fuse thing, even if it looks okay, replace it. Also check behind the box for the connection of the wire too the fuse box. Otherwise, wiring will need to be diagnosed. Check the voltage on the fuse as well..

3 people found this helpful.

check the fuses or change the fuse box. get someone who can read a wiring diagram and have them change the fuse box this was the problem with a jetta that came into the shop that I had to fix

3 people found this helpful.

I'm having the same problem. Were you able to fix it? If so, how? Need help PLEASE!!!

12 people found this helpful.

Check the master fuse box located under the hood (usually by the battery). It contains 5 master fuses that are further seperated at the fuse box located inside the vehicle. Hope that helps.

8 people found this helpful.

It would most likely be the comfort/convenience control module that would cause all those thing to fail at the same time. Get that checked out.

9 people found this helpful.

x2. Check the CCM. It's located under the driver's seat.

12 people found this helpful.

Open the drivers door, there is a black plastic/rubber moulding that protects the wires going from the frame to the door. This is a very high stress area and prone to breaking the wires. Pull back the moulding to reveal the wires, carefully inspect for any breaks. Almost all of the volkswagens run the wires to the switches and then out to the other doors. So if you have breaks in the wires going to the switches, they will be unable to send the corresponding power to the other door switches.

16 people found this helpful.

I have power to all switches,but windows don't work

12 people found this helpful.

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