94 MX5
94 MX5 with a lot of miles (200k+) driving
down the road and in between shifts motor
momentarily hiccuped, just enough for me
to think WTH, but then continued to run.
Happened a few more times over a period
of 2 weeks but eventually did stop. I
turned the key and after a few turns started
up again. Progressively started happening
more often and I suspected a fuel filter
problem. Not very mechanically inclined,
have done a few chores on this car.
Bought a fuel cleaner and put in the tank,
no issues at all for several weeks but then
started having same issues and it was
harder to get going. Now I can't start it at
all. Was about to go buy a fuel filter but
then started seeing other possibilities.
Inclined to start on the cheap end and get
an EC(v) valve. Fuses look good but not
real comfortable doing anything electrical,
(ie fuel pump, or ignition coil). I believe I
can do the fuel filter but in my head hoping
on my first option.