Question about a wheel squeel in my 06 350z
I just bought a 2006 Nissan 350z enthusiast and have a question about
something that's going on with it. Ive had it for a few days now and have
noticed that while turning to the right At lower speeds the left wheel makes a
high pitched squeek or squeel noise. It doesn't seem to do It almost at all
while turning left in the same conditions. It also seems to do it less or not at
all while applying the brakes when making the turn. The brakes have about
30% of the padding left and the front wheel barrings are old, worn and have
some rust because they are likely the factory ones and need replaced. My
Grandfather who is very mechanically inclined believes it is either the brake
pads, the wheel bearings or both but we are not sure if those things are the
problem. So I was wondering if anybody else has had the same issue and
any input into what the issue is and what the fix is would Be greatly