I have a 97' Lumina with 200, 000 miles on it. I want to start to rebuild everything under the hood. Is it worth doing?
5 Answers
aztec626bf answered 12 years ago
What is the reason for rebuild? Have to remeber everything has 200, 000. These are good vehicles, but I would not recommend putting that much into it.
If you're doing it yourself you are looking at about $1,000-$1,500 for pretty much a brand new engine. So like Aztec said is that reason worth it.
Thanks for the feedback. Your right shouldn't fix what isn't broken.
90V6RedHotLuminaEuro... answered 12 years ago
"Your right shouldn't fix what isn't broken." ...unless you're doing it for Fun... if I had the money and the shop, and another car to get around with... you bet I'd tear that engine apart... and put it back together "primo"... just for fun... they're great engines... and great cars... I don't need to take a poll to know that I'm right about that. I've got a '90 Euro Coupe... a diamond in the rough... spine issues/surgery put the brakes on playing with it... but I'm gonna keep it alive, ignoring the advice from others, and when better days arrive... I'm going to have Fun with it. One thing you should know... the timing chain is the achilles heal of this engine. If it snaps, the valve train will get wrecked. The engine is what's known as an interference engine. If you have the money, about 500 or so, and you like the car... and it's relatively healthy... then get the timing chain done. Additionally, you don't have to rebuild the entire engine to make it "better". Go over it with a fine tooth comb and some hair wax. Replace the spark plug wires, vacuum lines, old and moldy sensors/switches... get it? ...bring it up to date... I did that with a sweet little sunbird convertible once... got 30 miles to the gallon... then the timing chain snapped... lesson learned. Whatever you do, have Fun with it. If it seems like a PITA... forget everythig I said... Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Enjoy!
90V6RedHotLuminaEuro... answered 12 years ago
I bought it for 800, Aug. 2012. Started from the ground up. Suspension stuff. Bushings/Rubber stuff. Leaf Spring Helpers/Boosters. Etc... Did the Engine stuff mentioned above (most of it). Engine was a block of grime, inside & out. Inside is still questionable. Don't kid yourself... it takes great pics, but up close... I polish it with a can of Rustoleum, and the drivers front fender is wrecked. But otherwise little rust. It had at least 3 owners. I actually met the original owner... about a hundred miles from my house... he parked next to me at a convenient store as I was leaving... stopped me, looked over the car and said "yep, that's my car". It was meant to be. I'm gonna' have Fun with it!