why does the oil i changed smell like a solvent or gasoline?
Asked by mikeman001 Dec 22, 2013 at 10:49 PM about the 1994 Buick Regal Gran Sport Coupe FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
i just changed the oil in a 94 buick regal grand sport 3.8 L and the used oil smells like it has gasoline or a solvent in it , why?
6 Answers
Is it fuel injected? If so could be a faulty fuel injector. Letting fuel by while engine is off.
mikeman001 answered 11 years ago
yes it is fuel injected...thank u for your input.i take it that this is a problem. is changing a fuel injector somewhat easy and what is the best way to go about confirming this a the problem?
inspect each sparkplug for excessive fuel is one way. one or more injector(s) could be stuck open.
mikeman001 answered 11 years ago
i just did a minor tune up a few days ago...plugs and wires, they looked good, fuel filter, air filter, oil and filter... but i will take a second look at the plugs. thank u very much i will be back given the plugs check out ok.
Best to let it sit for a while. Maybe over night then pull the plugs out to inspect. Do not start car before you check them cause that will cause the extra fuel to burn off and you won't be able to tell if the injectors are leaking. If they are wet with fuel then it's injector is stuck open. They should be good and dry.
What ever it is, be CAREFUL!!! Fuel in the oil can cause a fire in the crankcase, and that is guaranteed to kill the engine, and it can be extremely dangerous.