overhead sunglass holder door broke
4 Answers
No, you don't have to buy the entire assembly. These are the components, can be bought from RockAuto..and the second part of your question...it is time consuming and not real easy but doable
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
your replacement will break the same way (if you can find one)...recommend use the door pocket, or visor with a couple of broccoli rubber bands around it (not visually appealing, but functional)~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
summit racing has a visor mounted pouch~
geez...it's neither....I did look at RockAuto but that actually came from: http://www.sunroofdoctor.com/0208envoy.htm but I was off track anyway..no pun intended...thinking sunroof on top of car, and that's what those tracks are