Heat only blows hot when accelerating


Asked by Pea2pod Nov 15, 2018 at 07:31 AM about the 2005 Buick Rendezvous CX FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Winter is BACK!! I can't drive anywhere,  because I have 2yr
old and 8 month old girls, and car will not warm up to even
defrost Windshield to see out of.  The heat will not blow
unless I am accelerating....please HELP us

3 Answers


I'm thinking your engine coolant level is low. Top it up with the proper 50/50 mix. Your heater is at the highest level of the cooling system. Tthat's where air bubbles collect until you rev up the engine and hot coolant once again circulates.

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I'm going to try that, and see what it does. One can ONLY pray for a simple fix. Thank you!! If not, I'll be back..lol to pick more brains..

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Always be careful topping up radiator on a warm/hot engine. Do it while cold if you can. And also fill the coolant overflow bottle to the "full/hot" mark. This bottle tops up the radiator while the engine gets cold, parked overnight, if the radiator cap ($5) is working right. This engine you have, has a reputation of mysteriously loosing coolant through the engine gaskets....about a gallon a year. Not to worry, just keep it topped up.

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