2002 Saturn L200 starter problems
10 Answers
beatupchevy answered 6 years ago
bad starter could be pure coincidence , don't buy rebuilt junk find an original equipment distributor
I rebuilt the starter myself. It still does the exact same thing. Can the ignition switch cause this?
beatupchevy answered 6 years ago
the starter's getting power better check your work
Before I re built it, it would spin and not engage the flywheel. After I rebuilt it, it does the same thing. I just wanna make sure it is not something electrical in nature before I drop $150+ on a new starter. I had heard that a faulty ignition switch could cause this.
beatupchevy answered 6 years ago
here's the thing , , you're rebuilding starters but I have to explain basic auoto electric , it just din't add up bro
Replaced the starter. Engine is turning but not cranking. I have checked the fuses and I have spark.
beatupchevy answered 6 years ago
turning is cranking , if you can get some gas down the throttle see if it fires , see if the injectors are firing , spark + fuel + compression = vroom
beatupchevy answered 6 years ago
do you hear the faint sound of the fuel pump when you hit the key ? some vehicles need proper fuel pressure and spark just having them won't do
I hear the fuel pump and i checked for spark on the ignition coil, all coils have spark. I even took out the plugs and they are all good.
Boogiemayne81 answered 6 years ago
Could be your ignition switch, i just replaced mine on 2003 L-Series.