Car is still running too high.,,,,,,,,,,,I have post on here before,,,,,,please help.
When my car is just sitting,it runs,perfict,at round 10,000 RPM,but when you put it in gear or just plain coasting,the RPM rises around 20,000,and also when I pick up speed press the clutch in,the RPM goes up to 30,000,shift in a higher gear,and let go of the clutch,,,,,,,,,(dog gone it !!!!!!!!!!) I can hear the clutch plate rubbing,,now thats not good.,the RPM should drop when you press in the clutch,there is no engine light,so the only time the RPM goes down is when I make a complete stop,wait 5 to 10,second then it drop back to normal.,,,,,about a Month ago I did replace the IAC(but might have damage it) I just replace the TPS but no changes,is there anybody that can help me on this,could it be the IAC,I have read something about the fuel filter,(could it be that).,I just want sombody to at least give me a good answare,I just don't like the garages cause they try to get as much money as they can,and they also talk to me like I'm stupid,even know I know how to work on cars ..