please help the wife in trouble i hurt his baby
Asked by cluelessinok Dec 21, 2020 at 09:38 PM about the 1995 Chevrolet Tahoe 2-Door 4WD
Question type: General
I need a silver trim piece that goes over the passenger side wheel well and i do
not know the exact name for the piece so please just know that it is a 95 2 door
chevy tahoe 4x4
14 Answers
Wheel well trim? Post a photo.
Post that photo and someone will help. A bit of trim is not cause for divorce.
Tell hubby to relax. If it is the part I think it is the cost is only ten or eleven dollars. 411357693.html? relationshipId=3784006945&childId=411381560&offermpnid=162170&view=574957&gclid=E AIaIQobChMIxYb52M7g7QIVqj6tBh20BAFmEAQYBSABEgLPnPD_BwE
cluelessinok answered 4 years ago
F_O_R: Although pointless to tell him to relax I will get that picture too you ASAP
That is the 10 to 15 dollar wheel well trim. You can order it online or probably at your local auto parts store.
cluelessinok answered 3 years ago
F_O_R : could you please recommend a website and exactly what I need to ask for to get it ASAP
Just do a search for 1995 Tahoe front wheel well trim or go to your local auto parts store. Good luck.