my saturn has 66000 miles, how much is it worth
1 Answer
Hello, the value is relative I feel. I'm selling my 1995 SC2 with 155,000 to a gentlemen for $1100. I'm sure I could probably get more but how much? It's running great every option when purchased new. My mechanic says he doesn't want to keep repairing it. I figure it's time to say good bye. New before tax it cost $20,595.00 an average cost of $500 a year since makes me sad to see it go. Hard to imagine any car going forward will be so inexpensive to run. If you have a buyer there is value if not who knows? My experience has always been fair between retail and trade in by doing this I've never even had to list them. It's amazing to me when I see a private owner asking retail? Why? I'm not paying a dealer retail either, I feel they are probably under water and I'll pass by to the next add. Hopefully this helps... Currently have 6 vehicles soon to be "5". (Multiple wheel syndrome).