how sensitive is my stock car alarm on my ford fusion?
9 Answers
Yes some car,s anti theft divice,s are real sensitive,you can check your,s to see how it is,walk up to your car and lean on it,then touch it.
I know its not that sensitive iv had it for about 4 years now, my passenger door handle is broken so if my car is locked and someone tries to open the door my alarm will sound and it will open cause its broke, I just need to know if it will go off if another cars alarm goes off. The guy was standing between our cars with his keys so I don't know if he tried breaking in mine and my alarm went off so he purposely set his off???
If another car alarm goe,s off,and your car is close to it,sure this could happen.
Sorry for the long story but this guy is homeless and no one trust him at our work and my car has never went off from a loud noise before, so idk
Test it,with one of your frends, alarm or horn,this will answer your question.
If it doe,s not go off ,then he may be guilty.
OK thank you I think I will test it with another car
The homeless guy has a job? Sounds like you should try out some opportunities to help him instead of really hurt him. Please don't kick people when they are down.