headlight leveling screws 07 grand prix
2 Answers
Actually that's for a 97. Mine is an 07. 97's have 2 screws the 07's have 1 I found it in the owners manual. Its a hex key and because of the way the light housing fits, you can only adjust it vertically. Mine was waaaay off after I replaced the bulbs yesterday. The process was really simple. 25 feet away. 27" off the ground on a flat surface. Cover the beam you are not adjusting. Turn the hex key until the beam is at the line. Repeat for the opposite side. a height measurement from the ground and beithe wall. Flat line on the wall 27" from the ground. 1 beam covered. Adult the hex key
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Disregard everything after "repeat on opposite side" posting on a phone and couldn't edit.
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