I have a question for chevy people i have a s10 1992 v6 4.3L and my truck doesn't turn on but when i spry some starting fluid it turn on then it turn off and i changed the fuel pump and the ECM and th
Asked by Luis123g Feb 04, 2018 at 10:08 PM about the 1992 Chevrolet S-10 RWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a question for chevy people i have a s10
1992 v6 4.3L and my truck doesn't turn on but
when i spry some starting fluid it turn on then it
turn off and i changed the fuel pump and the ECM
and the sending unit
10 Answers
enginecreator answered 7 years ago
Fuel pump relay is on or near firewall left of the brake booster.
From what I read, the truck will run so long as you spray starting fluid in it, but die on its own. Try checking the fuel pressure at the regulator. Even after replacing fuel pump it might still be low.
If you replaced it, assume it is good. But check things like fuel pressure regulator and fuel filter. You also need to know what type of fuel pump your model needs: Z or W. One produce lower fuel pressure (less than 15psi) versus the other, which produces 55psi. May want to pick up a manual for this. It will instruct on how/where to test fuel pressure. Also if fuel pressure drops quickly after switching off, it will indicate a mechanical problem with fuel delivery system.
TheAverageJoe43 answered 6 years ago
I have a 94-95 s10 4.3l and it did the same thing, when we changed the fuel filter it started fine.
Definitely check the pressure i have an 02 s-10 zr2 and can tell you if the pressure isnt right it won't run
enginecreator answered 6 years ago
Still sounds like a fuel delivery issue. Test for fuel pressure, and injectors getting voltage.