Length of listing
How long will the listing stay up usually? My first
time I put up a car and it's gone around a day later.
The second one I still haven't gotten put up. They
demand I have to take a pic with a code given to
me through email. Get the whole car in the pic. Are
you serious!? I'm not Andre Agasi or Ashton
Kucher! Not exactly invited to the Canon or Kodak
Tessla ☺️ parties. Maybe I'm not
understanding or there's a specific angle or lighting
factors. I just need to sell the car and it's not around
where I live. They have all the info they need they've
verified me. What's up with the extortional
behavior? As if a car is over a certain year or price
they should enforce hurdles in the way that stall the
very process they rely on for revenue. With so many
cars on the site it's not like they're in a way holding
cars back until they sell some? Ridiculous?
Perhaps. But what is ridiculous is not starting up
front with the tedious requirements that take longer
to get the car up on the site. The extra time that
everybody has right!? Here's!!!!