How do I unlock and open the trunk on a 2006 PT cruiser
5 Answers
Yes it's in right the battery is new I have a feeling the remote thing is broken how do I replace it and is there another way to open the trunk
Not too familiar with the 2006, but our 2007 has a pressure switch on the trunk right under the Chrysler logo. Unlock the doors from the inside with your door unlock button on the door, then walk around to the rear, reach under the logo and feel for the rubber pressure switch. Depress the switch and lift. Let me know if that works for you. I bought ours used and didn't know there was a pressure switch on the trunk for two weeks!
You have to use the actual key to open the trunk. put it in turn and pull it open
My trunk unlock from inside the car (a 2006 PT Cruiser) just died recently. Just have to use the key to open now.