Random difficult start engine when the car is warm
Car: 2006 Sebring 2.7 v6.
Issue: random can't or difficult start again when the car is warm.
description: This never be happened whtn the car is cold. this doesn't
happen each time, but some time I drive 15 minutes, and pack 1 hour, it a
little difficult start, and then drive 15 minutes again, pack 30 minutes, still
fell start issue, drive 15 minutes and pack 20 minutes, difficult to start,
maybe try 3 or 4 times, drive 7 minutes and pack 20 minutes, can't start
any more, the yellow Malfunction indicator Light come, read it means
"random cylinder doesn't work", try pack more time and try more time start,
it can running again, but it can fell some shake. one or two week , the light
will turn off again.
Before this problem, this car had about more than 100 hours coolant
boiling in reserver withing 3 months, finally find this issue is thermostat
can't open, change thermostat the problem gone. And then the new engine
start problem came with that moment.
Before the coolant boiling, the spark plugs were all replaced, they never be
replaced I think. But I couldn't change the spark plugs cables, they are
looks like someone DIY them(see the photos), wrapped with black tape, I
think they are not the reason for difficult start.
I find a Youtube video said problem is "timing chain tensioner", I don't
understand the video, address is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=6Ysu9IyCGME . could someone give me some idea? thank you and
The cables photo: