any easy way to get gas back out of a 99 buick century?


Asked by sbbbington Feb 11, 2014 at 04:57 PM about the 1999 Buick Century Limited Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

5 Answers

No way is easy. You can try to siphon it out, but often that is a real challenge because you must get the can lower than the tank, which is low, only a short distance from the ground to begin with. The smaller siphon hose the better...takes longer but easier to get the flow started, Otherwise, take the fuel line off the tank and beg, borrow, buy or steal a gasoline-approved pump, power-drill driven, and hook a hose up to the fuel line and take off gas cap and let 'er rip. Just kidding about stealing one. Figure of speech, eh? Finally, may I ask why you need/want to do this?

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Disconnect the fuel filter, turn on the ignition, and the electric pump in the tank will pump it out for you. If the pump is not working, and that is why you need to do this, a certain amount will siphon out anyway, but not all of it.

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yes i am doing this cause i just put a full tank of fuel in the thing right before it went out now i need the fuel cause a broke ass guy right now lol i have the water pump taken of and found out how the intake gaskets on these are fallible.the way it was spewing water leads me to believe that its gotta be more than the pump.just really need gas for my pick-up i live in a rural area so its kinda crucial.thanks for both answers guys.i believe maybe the tank has a anti siphon deal in the tank? idk. i saw a clever idea about the breather tube wouldnt have this in it though.might have to charge the batt. hook it up and short the pump relay?lotsa fun options lol

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Good luck! Disconnecting the fuel filter and letting the pump do the work may be the easy way.

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i tryed it by removing the shcrader valve on fuel rail,,BUT--as a safety feature the pump will only stay on a few seconds,,,unless the car starts,,,,,,,so drop the tank or ,,loose the gas to the next owner -- LOL

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